Support Us

We run this site to serve the interests of VFIO and Linux users, gamers and enthusiasts everywhere.

As much as we love to do it, the cost of independent reporting and content creation is high.

We want to remain ad-free as no-one likes ads, so our only source of income is through donations.

If you think our website is worthwhile, it’d be great if you would consider making a donation to us.

Your donation would help us to:

  • Pay our writers;
  • Improve our infrastructure;
  • Develop more and better open source tools;
  • Test out more exotic hardware;
  • Give our testers standardized benchmarking equipment;
  • Improve both the quality and quantity of our content;
  • Remain completely ad-free;
  • And much more!

How can I donate?

Support us on Patreon or Ko-fi

If you decide to support us on Patreon, you’ll not only be contributing to independent news reporting, but you also get a direct line to our writers, editors and staff and early access to benchmarks and guides.

You’ll also be able to open a dialog with us and help us improve our content according to your needs and interests. Tiered memberships with the same benefits as patreon will also be coming to Ko-fi soon.

Become a Patron       

Other options

If Patreon isn’t your thing, or you don’t support their practices, it’s also possible to donate through one of the following methods:







