Hypervisor Archives - The Passthrough POST https://passthroughpo.st/tag/hypervisor/ Your baremetal source for virtual news Sun, 12 May 2019 04:14:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 140179014 GPU Passthrough Reported Working on Bhyve https://passthroughpo.st/gpu-passthrough-reported-working-on-bhyve/ https://passthroughpo.st/gpu-passthrough-reported-working-on-bhyve/#disqus_thread Sun, 12 May 2019 03:53:57 +0000 https://passthroughpo.st/?p=2192 Normally we cover news focused on KVM and sometimes Xen, but something very special has happened with their younger cousin in the BSD world, Bhyve. Like to see BSD virtualization? Check out our OSX VM Tutorial For those that don't know, Bhyve (pronounced bee-hive) is the native hypervisor in FreeBSD. It has many powerful features, [...]

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